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We hope you all have a great year in 2020, when combating COVID-19 pandemic.
We have performed 6 times at Millennium Stage of the Kennedy Center from 2012, and over 20 performances each year for 10 consecutive years starting from 2008. Also, we are invited repeatedly to perform at many well known places. Such as 2 times at Senate Building, 2 times at Library of Congress, 3 times at Simthsonian, 5 times at the Concert Hall of the performing of Art, etc. Our students have lots of opportunities to build up their confidence and exprience. One of our students has performed 116 times with us from 2005 to October 18, 2015. You are very welcome to join us. Both Virginia and Maryland have Venue.
The Alice Gu-Zheng Ensemble, a non-profit organization, was founded in 2002 by Alice and her husband, Kent, who are the instructors. This ensemble has lots of gu-zheng enthusiasts, ranging from ages six to sixty five, and has held 428 public performances in Washington DC area from June 2002 to October, 2020. This ensemble was invited to perform at different universities, government departments, libraries, as well as shopping centers. Such as: Millennium Stage of the Kennedy Center, Strathmore Music Center, National Hall Square of Smithsonian Museum , Capital Hill, Senator Building, Library of Congress, Washington Monument Park, NASA, DC Mayor's Office, US Department of Education, George Manson University, John Hopkins University, Tysons Corner Shopping Center, Lakeforest Mall, and Fair Oak Mall etc.
從2012 到 2018 我們在肯尼廸表演藝術中心的千禧舞台表演六次,並且連續十年毎年的表演都超過二十場。 再者在這些年來, 我們重覆被邀請在著名的場地表演, 例如: 兩次在參議院, 兩次在國會圖書館, 三次在史密松尼博物館, 五次在Concert Hall of The Performing of Art等。 我們的學生有很多表演機會, 其中一位學生自2005到2015年10月間便隨團表演了一百一十六場。 我們熱切歡迎你或是你的孩子加入。維州和馬州都有上課地點。
我們的團址是在美國東岸大華府地區, 維吉尼亞州北部的泰森角, 緊接馬里蘭州和華盛頓特區。 團員來自中﹑港﹑台﹑美,也有越南﹑泰國﹑寮國﹑日本﹑馬來西亞等地的華僑。自二〇〇二年六月成立到二〇二〇年這十七年間,我們在不同的大學﹑政府部門﹑圖書館﹑購物中心等場所先後演出了四百二十八場次: 足跡遍及肯尼廸表演藝術中心(The Kennedy Center)、金碧輝煌的Strathmore音樂廳、國會山莊、參議院、國會圖書館、華盛頓紀念碑公園、史密松尼博物館國家廣場、喬治梅森大學音樂廳、Freer Gallery、司法部和教育部等。嬋鳴古箏團整齊的陣容和高水平的表演, 都使華盛頓首府各地區的居民留下深刻的認識和瞭解。
在忙碌﹑枯燥的生活中,彈奏一曲,嬝嬝箏聲,確是陶冶性情,提高個人修養的好消遣。我們熱切地張開雙手歡迎你們加入這個大家庭,互相關懷,互勵互勉;共同為古箏的「大眾化」﹑「普及化」出一分力。在美國傳播中國的民族音樂,弘揚中華文化,促進中美文化的交流,令生活多添姿彩。 |
